Price : RM650
ODM Tortuga!! original by bausch & lomb.
* rare item...
* saiz 58 or medium
* lens bg dua skali... 1 lens kalichrome n 1 lg lens ultragradient changeable two tone blue
* condition frame, 8/10
* condition lens, 8/10. de calar halus
* condition hardcase 7/10
* paddle ketat lg, sedap pakai
* skali dgn hardcase original
* The Kalichrome lens was the second lens to be developed by Ray Ban, designed to enhance vision and contrast in low light conditions
* They are a highly sought after style and famously made an appearance in the 1998 film Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
p/s : klu nk swap pn blh.... juz offer me, klu sy berminat kita blh deal.
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